Juho is a 30-year-old dramaturge and playwright based in Helsinki. Originally from Vantaa, his childhood dream professions included being the president, an ice-hockey player, a clown and a writer.
In addition to this opera, Juho is currently part of the Finnish National Theater's project 'Routes to Kontula'. It consists of various performances, workshops and other art activities with the inhabitants of Kontula, a district in Helsinki. Read more from reittejakontulaan.blogspot.com.
- What's good and what's not-so-good about being a playwright?
In my profession I am officially allowed to be playful. My job includes both working alone and with other people, which is perfect for me. The biggest downsides are probably insecurity, unpredictability, competition, envy, and having to prove oneself all the time.. Also, the work is very personal - its up- and downhills can affect my state of mind very much, sometimes too much.
- What other interests or hobbies do you have?
Animals (especially cats),walking outdoors, music, movies and other arts. The world and society. Nature.
- Tell us something about yourself that others don't necessarily know!
Before getting into the Theater Academy, I have worked, among other things, as a classroom assistant, lawnmower, and as a publishing editor.
If you want to know more about Juho (and/or his cat), write to us!
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