13 Feb 2015

Meet the Group: Itzam

Photo: Anni Laukkanen

Itzam is a 25-year-old composer from Mexico City, but as a child he wanted to be a footballer. Sadly, he broke his knee - an accident that also prevented him from playing the guitar - and so he turned to composition. Or as Itzam puts it, "when my childhood dream was over, my real life started".
Currently Itzam is writing a piece for his good friend Ella. The piece is for accordion, trombone and tuba. In March he's traveling to Louisville, Kentucky: his piece won a competition there, and will be performed by Talea ensemble. "Odd enough," Itzam adds, "the last time I was in the US was part of a football tournament, I was 10, and really wanted to be a football player."

What's good and what's not-so-good about being a composer? 

I like starting projects (like this opera!!!). The idea that out of nowhere something will be created is very encouraging, I've also managed to travel a lot thanks to making music. On the downside it can be psychologically very challenging to show your music: it's such a personal process that sometimes I feel like everybody can see me naked through my music. Also, during some periods of my life pasta with butter has been the best I could afford.

- What other interests or hobbies do you have?

I really like dancing. I'm more of a club dancer but now I'm taking some courses in contemporary dancing. I also have a bizarre addiction to pop culture - I consume a lot of sitcoms and bad movies as well as tons of pop music.

- Tell us something about yourself that others don't necessarily know!

I don't know how to ride a bike.

There's so much more to Itzam that you can discover from his website itzamzapata.com.

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